. . Website Samples

Phoenix Web Technologies

Phoenix Web Technologies Client Section

If you are here, it means you are either a current or a prospective client. Hopefully these pages will resolve some of your basic questions. If they don't, feel free to email us with your questions and we will be happy to answer them. Also take a look in the FAQ section to see if you can find the answer to your question there.

The most important thing to realize when you are going to make a new, or revise an old, website, is that the more organized you are, the less time it will take to make it, and the faster we can get your new site up and running.

We generally do not generate any content (although we can do that for you if you need that service), and we will work with you to help in the process as much as needed. 'Content' refers to text, photos, and so on.

We can also do video and audio processing for a very reasonable fee, as long as no actual editing is involved. If editing is required, we can set you up with a video or audio professional who will be happy to help you with that side of things.