. . Website Samples

Phoenix Web Technologies

Other Services

We also offer a range of other services. If you have special requirements like this, please feel free to contact us. Here are some of the other services we offer:

Creating Content — Copy Editing and Writing

Writing the actual words that will fill your site's pages is a very time consuming proposition. It involves a great deal of research into your subject area, and will add quite a bit to the price of your new site if you have us do it for you.

This is why we normally recommend that someone in your organization take charge of this aspect of creating your new site, although we can do it for you if necessary.

Since you or your staff are much more familiar with your subject area than we are, our role is more to help you assemble the material into working order, based on the site architecture and navigation we have created for your new site.

Editing is a similar process. We recommend you do your own editing, since editorial choices are often very subjective. However, if you need this done, we can do that for you as well.

Spanish Translation

We are lucky to have the services of some very good translators. You can see a sample of their work here, on www.danzon.com, a cuban music site, which we have up in a bilinqual format.

Simply let us know where your target audience is, and we will provide the translation that best fits your needs.

Audio/Video Editing

Due to the highly specialized nature of audio and video, we usually don't do anything but basic Audio / Video editing. We will put you in touch with a qualified professional in the field if we feel that your needs are beyond our abilities.

Extra Images for Content

If you need help generating the images (not the images used in the site layout, which are provided as part of the design part of your package, but actual content images), we may be able to help you with that in some cases.

All we ask is for you to keep in mind that you know your own needs best, and would probably in most cases be the person best qualified to provide your content.