. . Website Samples

Phoenix Web Technologies

Commercial Websites



HTML: XHTML 1.0 Transitional
CSS: Full
Javascript: Basic
PHP: full site programming.
Shopping Cart: OsCommerce
Multimedia: streaming video, PDF files

VisalWorkplace.com Visual Workplace is Quality Methods International's main website. QMI is a manufacturing efficiency consulting firm, whose clients include Rolls-Royce Aero space and Lockheed/Martin.

A simple, clean interface was desired to reflect the focus on the Visual Manufacturing consulting QMI does.

The site features a simplified implementation of OsCommerce open source shopping cart software. It also has a member's area section, available to users after they create an account.

The entire site is built through central site control files – CSS for all presentational elements, and site programming for page construction. The pages are templated, for extremely easy updating of the site. All HTML is done in XHTML 1.0 transitional, error free.

We had to do a full rebuild of this site after another web designer delivered complelely broken code to the client. This whole problem could have been avoided if our client had put the delivery of error free, validated code in the contract they made with that designer as a requirement for payment.

We are hoping to be able to do a full redesign of the site sometime in the future to make it better reflect the nature of QMI. Currently it retains some of the weaker design elements, such as the header and left navigation.


Specifications for BodyWay.com & Coreway.com

HTML: XHMTL 1.0 transitional
CSS: full
Javascript: basic
PHP: dynamic pages, full programming
Multimedia: MP3's, RealMedia, WindowsMedia, streaming video, PDF files.

BodyWay.com BodyWay.com is a women's health and eating disorders site. The designer is Jeff Bogard (who also did the initial design for techpatterns.com).

The site is optimized for search engine placement, while maintaining backward compatibility for older browsers. It's built in with a traditional table based layout, and utilizes minimum graphics for fast page loading over dialup connections.

The sites feature advanced CSS formatting throughout, but still work more or less on Netscape 4.x browsers.



Coreway.com is a new publishing company, and wanted a simple, clean site. We used the basic template from BodyWay, it's sister company..

These two sites feature advanced CSS formatting throughout, but still work more or less on Netscape 4.x browsers.



The Aliveness Experience

HTML: XHMTL 1.0 strict
CSS: full
Javascript: basic
PHP: dynamic pages, full programming
Multimedia: MP3's, RealMedia, WindowsMedia, PDF files.


AlivenessExperience.com is made to the latest strict standards, using a positioned CSS layout. The site displays stably in modern browsers .

The pages are dynamic, with generated menus and page structure.


We the People Book Promotion site

We the People

HTML: XHMTL 1.0 strict
CSS: full
Javascript: basic
PHP: dynamic pages, full programming
Multimedia: MP3's, RealMedia, WindowsMedia, PDF files.


This site is made to the latest strict standards. It is a promotional site for a new book that has just been published, We the People, by Thom Hartmann.

The pages are fully dynamic, with generated menus and page structure.

The site feature advanced CSS formatting throughout, but still work more or less on Netscape 4.x browsers.




HTML: standard
CSS: none
Javascript: Dreamweaver standard

This is a nice Dreamweaver type site by Ivan Castillo, FisherPlows.com.


More information coming soon.